Staying Charged🔋Up!

I came across the featured image and it spoke to me.

1. How many of us 🙋🏽‍♀️ ensure our mobile phone is charged and ready for optimal use? 2. Do you leave home without a charger? 3. Do you have a car charger or portable power bank on standby? 4. Do you use the power saver mode to conserve our cell phone batter? 5. Have you ever asked a friend, colleague, acquaintance to borrow their charger?

So many of these cell phone charging habits and options are applicable to our internal power source! I work on staying charged up daily. I focus on my mindset, protecting my energy, setting boundaries and laughter. When I’m feeling drained I recharge by tapping into my support system of family and friends.

1. How you do keep charged up and ready for action? 2. How do you maintain your energy when challenges arise? 3. How do others support your recharging efforts?

By the way I’m an Android user and not familiar with iPhones and their chargers but all cellphone users are welcome to respond 😆.

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